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8 Years

In Business

Our Values

Building a leading B2B enterprise with top-notch traffic and workflow.

Our top-notch market research and global customer modeling capabilities help us build unparalleled competitiveness for your business.

  • Market research:

    Through customer segmentation and profiling research, market competition analysis, customer profiling algorithm modeling, customer social pairing attribution, push algorithm modeling attribution, and market marketing tactics analysis, we aim to achieve accurate marketing and increase conversion rates.

  • Establishing a Presence

    We optimize company social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube by utilizing customer data and algorithms, conducting audience profiling experiments, and testing social recommendation engines to achieve precise marketing.

  • Acquire Traffic, Boost Efficiency

    We use various methods such as social keyword optimization, precise target marketing, and refined data analysis to improve social media exposure and conversion rates, thereby continuously improving marketing effectiveness.

  • Market Big Data Modeling,
  • Marketing Territory Building and Landing,
  • Customer Traffic Acquisition、Conversion.
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Our Team

The People Behind Rocdesk

We bring together elites from various industries including AI, big data, e-commerce, marketing, software, CRM, and consulting. They come from world-renowned universities such as UCLA, Duke, Tsinghua, UCL, Columbia, and more.

VP of Customer Success Asia

VP of Customer Success, Europe

VP of Customer Success, North America

VP of Customer Success, Middle East

E-commerce Manager


What They Say About Us

Rocdesk's professional approach, focused goals, and swift actions have brought tremendous value to our enterprise's digital business.

Mr.Rupan Oberoi
Founder and CEO at Amaara Herbs
The Best CRM You Got to Have it!
Globally network long-term high-impact schemas vis-a-vis distinctive e-commerce cross-media infrastructures rather than ethical
Oberoi R.
CEO at Herbs
Amazing by the First Version.
Dynamically create innovative core competencies with effective best practices promote innovative infrastructures.

Our Office

Located Around the World

We specialize in providing digital development impetus for rapidly industrializing countries.

50 Raffles Place L19,
Singapore 048623
Los Angeles
794 Mcallister
St. Oak Harbor,
Washington(WA), 98277
RocDesk Germany
Tel: +4917684956490
Email: deroyalproperties@gmail.com
Addr: Emmertsgrund passage 17, Heidelberg, Germany
New York
4219 Snowbird Lane
St Carthage,
New York(NY), 13619
Barlin City
Brandenburgische Straße
DE. Berlin Kreuzberg,
Berlin(CA), 10997

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Proactively deliver seamless core competencies with scalable. Completely fabricate transparent paradigms.

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